As Christians and Americans we give thanks that the United States has welcomed the hard journeys of millions, our families among them, who found here a new home. Let us do the same now, and so be true to our character as a nation. Let us not be tempted by recent calls to turn thousands away from our shores solely on the basis of their religion. We know many are rightly anxious about the security of our borders. But the specter of fear will never protect us; only by steadfast confidence in our deepest values will our beloved country remain truly secure. We stand with our fellow Americans of many faiths – Muslims, Jews, and many more – in a common commitment to religious liberty and civil public discourse.
Finally, we ask prayer for all those whom violence in their homelands has driven onto a hard and unsought-for road. We pray God’s protection on them as they journey, that they may come to a safe and welcoming haven. And we pray for ourselves, that we may be gracious to all whom God sends us, knowing that when we do so, we welcome Christ Himself. (Mark 9:37)
Christian Associates of Southwest Pennsylvania (CASP) brings together 27 Protestant, Catholic, Anglican, and Orthodox church bodies in the 10 counties of Southwest Pennsylvania to work for the unity of the church and the wholeness of communities through collegiality, collaboration, and connectedness.