Choir Events

What :  Paschal program
When: Sunday May 6 at 3:00 pm
Where: St. John Cathedral, Munhall, PA
Who: Pittsburgh Byzantine Catholic Archeparchial Choir
Why: Celebrate the glorious Resurrection!

The members of the Archeparchial Choir welcome all to the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist in Munhall, PA on May 6 – the 6th and final Sunday of Pascha – as the glorious Resurrection is celebrated in readings, hymns and songs.

The hour-long inspirational presentation “Rejoice and Be Glad!” will begin at 3:00 p.m.
A hospitality reception with light snacks and beverages will follow the program in the Cathedral’s lower level.

The Archieparchial Choir, which observes the 20th anniversary of its founding this year, hopes to see you there!