Holy Trinity Byzantine Catholic Church Wall, PA

Contact Details

  • Church: 412-823-9857
  • Rectory:

    contact Resurrection Church at 412-372-8650
    Administrator: Father Donald M. Bolls

  • Email: fatherdonbolls@gmail.com


Holy Trinity Byzantine Catholic Church

472 Wall Avenue

Wall, PA. 15148 Get Directions

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Holy Trinity Church began in the hearts and dreams of its founders as early as 1910 when they came from Europe and settled in the area of Wall, Pa. It was not until 1928, when a committee met with Bishop Basil Takach, that this dream became a reality. Permission was given to this committee to build a hall to be used for Divine Services and social activities. Guidelines also were given by the Bishop for the establishment of a charter according to the laws of the State of Pennsylvania and of the Catholic Church. This charter was obtained on June 17, 1930.

On April 28, 1929 the first Divine Liturgy was celebrated by Father Arnold Suba of Rankin, Pa. The official opening of the parish, however, did not take place until October 11, 1931 when Bishop Takach blessed the cornerstone. In 1964 a neighboring house was purchased to serve as a rectory.

Among the many priests who have served Holy Trinity parish, several were members of the Order of St. Benedict.

Various groups have served the parish over the years — the Rosary Society, the Young People’s Guild, the Ladies Club, the Byzantine Youth Group and the Holy Name Society. The Ladies Club remains active today helping to meet the spiritual needs of the parishioners as well as the financial needs of the parish.

The edifice of Holy Trinity Church stands tall and proud in the town of Wall. Its church hall is open to the community as a meeting place for self-help groups and for various activities by church members which provide for Christian fellowship.