“When you look for me, you will find me.” Jeremiah 29:13

Women’s Day of Reflection held at St. John the Baptist Cathedral in Munhall, Pa.


Committee members Kathy Silvestri, Lori Downey, Michelle Glaid, Sister Margaret Ann Andrako (back) and Sister Marion Dobos and Marjorie Glaid (front)


by The Office of Religious Education

The 19th annual Women’s Day of Reflection, sponsored by the Byzantine Catholic Archeparchial Office of Religious Education, took place on April 27 at the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist in Munhall, Pa.

Seventy-two women attended the program. The basket auction raised more than $600 for the children and women in Ukraine.

Rivalry, self-absorption, and excessive individualism are prevalent in our culture today. Two gifted presenters shared personal experiences contradicting this perverted disposition.

Susan Koeppen, journalist and anchor for WPXI-TV, shared her story of survival and gratitude.

At age 39 while out for a run experienced cardiac arrest. Two by-standers, who happened to be medical students, witnessing this immediately performed CPR and saved her life. This life-giving deed on the part of strangers gave Susan a profound sense of compassion and gratitude.

Ten years later, she herself had the opportunity to return the favor by administering CPR to a gentleman who was also under cardiac arrest and saved his life.

As Christians, we are called to show compassion to people most in need. Even the iconic fashion designer, Oscar De La Renta once said, “The qualities I most admire in women are confidence and kindness.”

The second presentation was given by Lee Goldman Kikel. In the midst of the rise in anti-Semitism, her story could not have been more gripping and inspiring.

After her father’s death, in 2015 she listened to tapes left by her father, a Holocaust survivor. This story of his Jewish faith, tenacity, and will to survive is compelling. Lee managed to bring to life the narrative of her father’s words and documentation of his experience in a book she authored entitled, “Perseverance.”

Lee said, when growing up her father would often say, “Most people are not bad, they are often misdirected.” This story needs to be heard. More information can be found at www.leekikel.com.

The Office of Religious Education is grateful to Archbishop William C. Skurla, Most Rev. Andrew Deskevich, Cathedral caterers and Committee for supporting this program.