IMAGE: CNS photo/Alessandro Bianchi, Reuters
By Cindy Wooden
VATICAN CITY (CNS) — Vatican judicial authorities are investigating the
former president and former treasurer of its Bambino
Gesu pediatric hospital in a case involving the financing of remodeling
work on the Vatican apartment where Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone lives.
Giuseppe Profiti, former hospital
president, and Massimo Spina, the former treasurer, are under investigation,
said Greg Burke, assistant director of the Vatican press office.
Cardinal Bertone, former Vatican secretary of state, is not under
investigation, Burke told reporters March 31.
Profiti resigned in January 2015 amid rumors that a significant amount of
money from the foundation supporting the child’s hospital was used to help
finance the remodeling of Cardinal Bertone’s Vatican apartment.
Mariella Enoc, current hospital
president, told reporters in late December, “Cardinal Bertone never
directly received money (from the hospital’s foundation), but recognized that
we suffered a loss and, therefore, assisted us with a donation of 150,000
euros,” about $170,000.
Emiliano Fittipaldi, a journalist currently on trial at the Vatican for
publishing allegedly stolen Vatican documents, wrote in the Italian magazine
Espresso March 31 that the total cost of combining and remodeling two
apartments was almost $480,000.
Cardinal Bertone has repeatedly disputed news reports about the size of the
apartment and its cost, and he has insisted that he personally paid the
Vatican, which owns the apartment, for the work done.
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Follow Wooden on Twitter: @Cindy_Wooden.
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