Christ is born Glorify Him!
Merry Christmas!
I want to begin with a memory I have from my teenage years. Our family had a little ice cream store in the front part of our house and one day, a teenage boy and myself, — both around 15 or 16 years old — were in the store.
My little sister, who was a toddler, came walking in. Well, this guy sat and stared at her and then he said to me, “Imagine owning something like that! How awesome!”
And I thought, “Wow, what an insight!”
That memory has come back to me a number of times.
At Christmastime, we can think of it as the beauty of what the shepherds experienced and the Magi as well.They saw something awesome — they were given the revelation of something awesome — and when they arrived they found the infant child. Such glory in such simplicity!
Often, paradox is at the heart of the ways we perceive our faith; the truth of Scripture, the truths of the faith. Believing requires “eyes of faith” to understand what is truly going on here. The Scripture says: “In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God.” And all who accepted Him, received the power to become the Children of God. Indeed, my friends, that is who we are and how blessed we are!
I pray that during this Christmas season, you will take the time to sit with the Infant King and to know the power of being called a Child of God. The Savior of the World, is for us, comes for me. It’s personal and real.
Enjoy the intimacy of time with the Christ Child and know your awesome place in God’s kingdom.
God bless you in this Holy