“The Liturgy Jerusalem”

Press release by the Byzantine Catholic
Seminary of SS. Cyril and Methodius

father deacon daniel galadza guest speaker at 21st annual ss. cyril and methodius lecture Father Deacon Daniel Galadza will deliver both in person and through livestream the 21st annual SS. Cyril and Methodius Lecture of the Byzantine Catholic Seminary entitled “The Liturgy of Jerusalem: History, Theology, and Lessons for Today.”
The Church of Jerusalem was the cradle of Christianity, influencing when and how Christendom celebrated the conception, birth, life, death, resurrection, and ascension of Christ and the memorials of the Theotokos,
apostles, and martyrs. For the Byzantine Catholic Seminary’s annual SS. Cyril and Methodius Lecture, the Rev.
Deacon Daniel Galadza presents Jerusalem’s liturgical year, its historical sources, and theology.
His lecture will illustrate connections between the “Byzantinization” of the Eastern Patriarchates at the end of the first millennium and the Latinization of the Eastern Catholic Churches from the middle of the second millennium onward.
Father Deacon Daniel Galadza completed studies at the University of Toronto and the Sheptytsky Institute before
defending his doctorate in Byzantine liturgy at the Pontifical Oriental Institute in Rome in 2013.
He has been a junior fellow at the Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection in
Washington, D.C., assistant professor at the University of Vienna, visiting professor at the Pontifical Oriental Institute, and is currently a research fellow at the Centre of Advanced Studies of the University of Regensburg, Germany.
In February 2018, Oxford University Press published his Liturgy and Byzantinization in Jerusalem: the first study dedicated to the question of the Byzantinization of Jerusalem’s liturgy, providing English translations of many liturgical texts and hymns for the first time.
The public is welcome to register for and attend this lecture on Tuesday, May 18 at 7 p.m. at the Cathedral Center of Saint John the Baptist in Munhall, Pennsylvania where all statemandated social distancing protocols, including masking, will be strictly observed.
For all others, the lecture will be livestreamed via our website
— www.bcs.edu — and recorded for future access by the public on our YouTube archive. The Seminary website also has further information for registration which is required for in-person attendees.
The annual lecture series is sponsored by the Byzantine Catholic Seminary of SS. Cyril and Methodius in Pittsburgh, Pa a community of mentors, teachers, and students forming leaders for the Church in an environment of Christian unity, integrity, and missionary spirit, with a commitment to ecumenism. Founded in 1950, the Byzantine Catholic Seminary is a free-standing, English speaking theological seminary, welcoming all those seeking the knowledge possessed by the Eastern ecclesial traditions.
The Seminary is authorized to grant the Master of Arts in Theology and Master of Divinity degrees by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and is accredited by the Commission on Accrediting of the Association of Theological