“Synodal Synthesis”

Eparchial Assembly set for April 29 in Munhall, Pa.


An Eparchial Assembly, “Synodal Synthesis: A Mandate, Not an Option,” will be held Saturday, April 29 at St. John the Baptist Cathedral in Munhall, Pa.

The purpose of the Assembly is to hear responses from all four eparchies of the Archeparchy of Pittsburgh so those gathered can discern the common joys, hopes and wounds. The Archeparchial Office of Religious Education is sponsoring the event.
All four eparchies in the Metropolia participated in the National Synthesis of the People of God in the USA for a Synodal Church: Communion, Participation & Mission.

Eparchies utilized a variety of opportunities for engaging people in the process, including local gatherings, listening sessions and surveys.

Presenters include:

Father Ron Barusefski
A priest of the Eparchy of Passaic and Director of Human Formation at SS. Cyril and Methodius Seminary. He has a licentiate in canon law from Catholic University in Washington and a doctorate in canon law from the Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas in Rome.

Amanda Singel
Amanda received a BA in Studio Arts from the University of Pittsburgh. Currently, she is the Assistant to the Director of the Office of Religious Education and the Business Manager for the Eastern Catholic Eparchial Directors of Religious Education (ECED).

Father Robert Jager
Pastor of two parishes and Vocation Director for the Eparchy of Parma. Father Robert has studied at several theological institutions including the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome. He contributed to his eparchial faith formation series “I Believe” and directed the Women’s Retreat for his eparchy.

Father Robert Pipta
Rector and Instructor of Liturgical Practicum at SS. Cyril and Methodius Seminary. A priest of the Eparchy of Phoenix and served parishes there for 20 years. He was also Eparchial Director of Vocations for his eparchy and is a member of the Intereparchial Commission for Sacred Liturgy.

Dr. Joan Grossman
Dr. Joan Grossman, professor in the Science department at the University of Scranton and Eparchy of Passaic Project Coordinator for the synod. She is a member of St. Nicholas of Myra in Swoyersville, Pa.


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