Statement on the Report of the Pennsylvania Grand Jury

From The Office Of The Metropolitan

September 5, 2018

We, as members of the Catholic Church in Pennsylvania, cannot help but be
profoundly saddened by the revelations of child abuse committed by clergy
and the response or lack thereof of diocesan officials described in the recent
Pennsylvania Grand Jury report issued after its investigation of six Pennsylvania
Roman Catholic dioceses.

The Byzantine Catholic Archeparchy of Pittsburgh was not included in the
Pennsylvania Grand Jury’s investigation. The Archeparchy is a separate church
and is relatively small both in the number of parishes and clergy and in the
number of parishioners when compared with those Roman Catholic dioceses
that were investigated. The Archeparchy’s experience is that relatively few allegations
of sexual abuse of children have been received.

It is the policy of the Archeparchy to report all allegations of sexual abuse of
children to the proper civil authorities regardless of when such alleged abuse
occurred. It is recognized that the civil authorities are better suited to investigating
such allegations and proceeding with any warranted prosecution.

Consistent with the policy of the Archeparchy to report all allegations of sexual
abuse of children to the proper civil authorities regardless of when such
alleged abuse occurred, the Archeparchy had already notified the appropriate
law enforcement/district attorneys of such allegations it received prior to the
Pennsylvania Grand Jury’s report. And, in each such instance, the Archeparchy
provided pertinent information and offered to be of any further assistance.

The Archeparchy is committed to continuing to report to appropriate
law enforcement any such allegations that it receives. Further, reported allegations
are also reviewed by the Safe Environment Board of the Archeparchy
for recommendations of canonical actions in compliance with 2002 The Charter
for the Protection of Children.

The Archeparchy and I offer heartfelt compassion for all who have been victimized
by any clergy. I am truly sorry that any clergy has betrayed and abused
the trust of the faithful and, particularly, the trust of children. The Archeparchy
stands ready to assist victims. Those in need should contact the Archeparchy’s
Victim Assistance Coordinator, Dr. Courtney Minerd: 724-504-9588
or For further information for the Archeparchy
of Pittsburgh Safe Environment Program, connect to the website at https://

The Archeparchy is committed to providing a safe environment for all children
in its churches, programs, and activities. Such commitment involves education,
continued training to reinforce appropriate behaviors, and mandated reporting
by all clergy, employees, and volunteers who come into contact with children.
The Archeparchy shall continue to be vigilant and will not waiver in its obligation
to provide a safe, welcoming, and prayerful place for those who seek

Sincerely yours in Christ,

Most Reverend William C. Skurla, D.D.
Metropolitan Archbishop of Pittsburgh