The fasts of the liturgical year are to be kept in accordance with the Norms of Particular Law of the Byzantine Metropolitan Church sui iuris of Pittsburgh.
Simple abstinence
- The law of simple abstinence forbids the use of meat, but permits the use of eggs and dairy products.
- All faithful of the Archeparchy who receive the Eucharist are obliged to observe simple abstinence when prescribed. Abstinence is obligatory on all Wednesdays and Fridays of the Great Fast.
Strict abstinence
- The law of strict abstinence (fasting) forbids the use and consumption of all meat, eggs and dairy products.
- All faithful of the Archeparchy who receive the Eucharist are obliged to observe strict abstinence when prescribed.
- Strict abstinence (fasting) is to be observed in 2016 on Pure Monday, February 8 (the first day of the Great Fast), and on Great and Holy Friday, March 25. SEE IMPORTANT NOTE BELOW.
- Priests and parents are to ensure that minors are educated in the authentic sense of penance.
- Pastors and administrators, with just cause and taking into account acceptable reasons due to personal circumstances, may grant to the individual faithful as well as to individual families, dispensations, transferals, or commutations of abstinence and strict fast into other pious practices. Superiors of religious houses or clerical institutions enjoy these same faculties relative to their constituents.
Liturgical Services
- The Divine Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts takes precedence over all other Lenten Devotions.
- The Divine Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts only is to be celebrated on Wednesdays and/or Friday evenings of the Great Fast and also on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday of Holy Week.
- Other services are encouraged during the season of the Great Fast, but only those in keeping with the traditions of the Byzantine Catholic Church, namely: Lenten Vespers, Lenten Hours, Akathist to the Passion, and Lenten Devotions.
- On Wednesday of Holy Week, the Office of the Holy Anointing may be incorporated into the Presanctified Divine Liturgy.
In 2016, the Feast of the Annunciation (March 25) falls on Holy and Great Friday (Good Friday).
The strict fast which is customarily observed on this day of the Great Fast still applies.
(Special details regarding this simultaneous observance may be viewed in the 2016 Typicon of the Byzantine Catholic Metropolitan Church sui juris, pages 26-27).
Metropolitan William has directed that the NEW translation/edition (texts and music) of the services for both Holy and Great Thursday and Holy and Great Friday (with the Feast of the Annunciation) be used by all parishes in every eparchy of the Metropolitan Church.
Special new booklets for these holy days, prepared by the Intereparchial Commissions for Sacred Liturgy and Music and promulgated by the Council of Hierarchs, are being printed by the Byzantine Seminary Press and will be distributed to all parishes for use during these upcoming Holy Week observances.