Pope: If world insists on success, then make life more just, humane

By Carol Glatz

VATICAN CITY (CNS) — Do not fall for the allure of money,
which can enslave and alienate like a cult, Pope Francis told business school

“And it is also important that you be able to learn today
the strength and courage to not blindly obey the invisible hand of the
market,” he said.

The pope spoke Oct. 19 at the Vatican to a group of students from a
private Catholic school, “Institution des Chartreux,” in Lyon, France.
They are preparing for higher education in business and finance.

The pope said he was pleased they were receiving an
education that touched on the “human, philosophical and spiritual”
dimensions of life and said these aspects would be essential for their future
professional life.

“Learn to remain free from the allure of money, from
the slavery” that befalls those who “turn it into a cult,” he

He called on them to promote and defend more fairness and
to manage the world’s resources adequately and justly.

“You are able to decide your future,” he said,
urging them to feel and become more responsible for the world and human life.

“Never forget that every injustice against a poor
person is an open wound and diminishes your very dignity,” he said.

“Even if this world expects that you strive for
success, give yourselves the means and the time to follow paths of fraternity,
to build bridges between people rather than walls” and to take part in the
building of a more just and human world, he said.


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