Pope: God promises the 'impossible,' asks people hope against all hope

IMAGE: CNS/Paul Haring

By Carol Glatz

VATICAN CITY (CNS) — Hope is not built on people’s
predictions, assurances or line of reasoning, Pope Francis said.

Real Christian hope “is not based on our word, but
on God’s Word” and promises of salvation and eternal life, the pope said
during his general audience in St. Peter’s Square March 29.

Continuing a series of reflections on how the Apostle
Paul describes the nature of Christian hope, the pope looked at how Abraham’s
faith is held up as a model for everyone in the apostle’s Letter to the Romans

Despite all logic — Abraham was old and his wife
infertile — Abraham “believed, hoping against hope that he would become
‘the father of many nations,'” which shows how faith is so closely
connected to hope, the pope said.

“Our hope is not based on human reasoning,
predictions and assurances,” he said; real hope arises “where there
is no more hope, where there is nothing left to hope for.”

True hope “is rooted in faith and, precisely for
this reason, it is able to go beyond all hope” because it is built on
faith in God and his promise, he said.

“This is the paradox and, at the same time, the
strongest part,” he said, because from a human point of view, that promise
seems “unsure and unforeseeable.”

Looking at the people gathered for the general audience,
the pope asked them if they really believed in God’s love for them and his
promise of eternal life.

“There is only one price” to be paid for this,
he said. “Opening your heart. Open your hearts and God’s power will carry
you forward. He will do miraculous things and he will teach you what hope

Just “open your heart to faith and he will do the
rest,” he added.

Mary, too, believed in the unbelievable when the angel
told her she would become the mother of God, the pope said in remarks to
pilgrims from Arabic-speaking countries, particularly Iraq.

Like Mary, they are called to embrace that which they do
not understand God is doing, and to open their hearts and minds to him, so that
his will may be done, he said.

He later launched an appeal for more to be done to
protect civilians in Iraq, reaffirming his prayers for civilians trapped in
parts of Mosul and those displaced by war.

The pope also greeted a delegation of Iraqi authorities
representing Shiites and Sunnis, and one representing Christians and other religious minorities,
who were accompanied by Cardinal Jean-Louis Tauran, president of the Pontifical
Council for Interreligious Dialogue.

“The richness of the beloved Iraqi nation lies
precisely in this mosaic that represents unity in diversity, the strength of
union, prosperity in harmony,” the pope said.

He encouraged them to continue their efforts and invited
people to pray that “Iraq may find peace, unity and prosperity through
reconciliation and harmony among its diverse ethnic and religious

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Follow Glatz on Twitter: @CarolGlatz.

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