Sister Barbara Jean Mihalchick posts videos of her reflections each week at the Facebook of the Sisters of St. Basil the Great.
View them at: uniontown/.
This is a transcript of her Aug. 15, 2019 reflection and is Part 7 of her “Fruits of the Holy Spirit” series.
Glory to Jesus Christ! Today I continue the series on the Fruits of the Spirit and I start with this question: Have you ever given a compliment to somebody who doesn’t know how to handle a compliment?
Well, there is either extreme. There are those who say, “Oh, I tried. I don’t think it was so good.”
And then the other extreme, the person who says, “Oh, did you really like it? Tell me what you liked about it. Did I do this right? Did I do that right?”
I’m talking today about modesty. A word we don’t use very often but it’s really related to humility.
How do we receive a compliment? “Thank you.” And in our minds and in our hearts, turn the credit over to God, who gives us our talents, our gifts, our health, every blessing.
Today, I speak here in front of the icon of the most famous woman, the most wonderful woman who ever lived. The Theotokos, Mary, Mother of Our God.
She is surrounded here by the disciples who came to honor her and bury her with great grace and thanksgiving.
Mary, certainly full of grace, always acknowledged that her life, her blessings, her wisdom, her strength, all began with the Lord and continued only from Him.
Her prayer in the Magnificat:
My soul magnifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior.
Because he has regarded the humility of his handmaid.
For behold, from henceforth all generations shall call me blessed; because he who is mighty has done great things for me, and holy is His name.
And his love is from generation to generation to those who fear Him.
Mary had certainly the wisest perspective, the nearest and closest relationship with our Loving God.
Modesty invites us to recognize and be grateful for the blessings God has given us, the talents He has given us.
Modesty reminds us, also, not to hide those talents.
And, so, I challenge you in this week before us, find a way to use your talents even more strongly, even more often, and give the Lord the credit.
God bless you.