85th Pilgrimage at Mount St. Macrina set for Aug. 31 to Sept. 1
The 85th Annual Pilgrimage in honor of Our Lady of Perpetual Help will be held Aug. 31 to Sept. 1 at Mount St. Macrina in Uniontown, Pa. This year’s theme is “Mary, Cause of Our Joy.”
“As we approach the 85th Pilgrimage, we invite everyone to become a true pilgrim. Come open to discover the God who longs to fill your every true need,” said Sister Ruth Plante, OSBM, Provincial. Those who plan on attending the Pilgrimage can chose from a variety of accommodations, including camping on the racetrack, Pilgrim houses (first come, first-served), hotels, motels or bed and breakfasts. Further information is available regarding camping and a complete list of accommodations can be found at www.sistersofstbasil.org
A light menu will be available at the lunch stand beginning on Friday evening. In addition to the scheduled services, programs and events will be held on Saturday and Sunday, Liturgical prayers will be held at the Shrine Altar on Friday evening and Divine Liturgy will be celebrated on Monday morning, Sept. 2.
The Pilgrimage holds the distinction of being the oldest and the largest Byzantine Catholic Pilgrimage in the country. The planning for this year’s Pilgrimage started not long after the 84th annual Pilgrimage. The Sisters and volunteers did the first preparations of the grounds on June 2. The next preparation day is Aug. 18. Anyone who is interested in volunteering may contact Sister Joanne Lickvar at 724-438-
This year’s schedule: Friday, August 30
- 7 p.m., Office of Small Compline at Shrine Altar
Saturday, August 31
- 7 a.m.-noon, Mystery of Reconciliation (Confessions), House of Prayer Patio
Opening of Pilgrimage
- 8 a.m., Matins at Shrine Altar
- 9:45 a.m., Procession with icon of Our Lady of Perpetual Help from House of Prayer to Shrine Altar
- 10:00 a.m., Divine Liturgy Welcome: Sister Ruth Plante, OSBM. The Divine Liturgy will be followed by procession to Lourdes Grotto for the Solemn Blessing of Water. The Procession will return to the House of Prayer at the conclusion of the Blessing.
- 1-5 p.m., Mystery of Reconciliation (Confessions), House of Prayer Patio
- 1 p.m., Moleben at Shrine Altar
- 2 p.m., Children’s Pilgrimage at Children’s Tent, Orientation for Teens at Prayer
- Garden, Enrichment Session at Trinity Center, Mystery of Anointing at Shrine Altar, Festal Icon Shrine Walk
- 3 p.m., Teen Pilgrimage at Prayer Garden
- 4 p.m., Vespers with Divine Liturgy at Shrine Altar
- 6 p.m., Enrichment Session at Mausoleum
- 7:15 p.m., Procession from House of Prayer to Mount Macrina Cemetery, Parastas at Cemetery, Candlelight Procession from Cemetery and Akathist at Shrine Altar
- 11:30 p.m. Compline at Dormition Shrine
Sunday, September 1
- 7 a.m., Matins at Shrine Altar
- 7 a.m., Divine Liturgy, House of Prayer Chapel
- 7:30 a.m.-noon, Mystery of Reconciliation (Confession), House of Prayer Patio
- 8:30 a.m., Divine Liturgy in Slavonic, Shrine Altar
- 10:30 a.m., Divine Liturgy, Shrine Altar
- 12:30-5 p.m., Mystery of Reconciliation (Confessions), House of Prayer Patio
- 1 p.m., Children’s Procession with Special Blessing for Youth and Young Adults from House ofPrayer to Mother of God Shrine
- 1:30-2:30 p.m., Mystery of Reconciliation (Confession for the infirm, sick and physically challenged), Manor Gazebo
- 2 p.m., Children’s Pilgrimage at Children’s Tent, Enrichment Session at Trinity Center, Teen Pilgrimage at Prayer Garden, Mystery of Anointing at Shrine Altar
- 3:45 p.m., Procession from House of Prayer to Mother of God Shrine
- 4 p.m. Divine Liturgy, Mother of God Shrine; Homilist: Bishop Gregory Mansour, Eparchy of St. Macron, Brooklyn, N.Y.; Words of Gratitude: Sister Ruth Plante, OSBM
- 7:15 p.m., Procession from House of Prayer to Mother of God Shrine
- 7:30 p.m., Candlelight procession beginning and ending at the Mother of God Shrine Closing of the Pilgrimage Following the Candlelight Procession: Teen Social, Prayer Garden Area; Young Adult Social, Trinity Center
- 11:30 p.m. Compline at Dormition Shrine
Monday, September 2
- 9:30 a.m., Divine Liturgy, Shrine Altar