Gossip destroys Holy Spirit's gift of peace, pope says

IMAGE: CNS photo/Paul Haring

By Junno Arocho Esteves

VATICAN CITY (CNS) — Peace is a gift that can easily be
destroyed through petty gossip and speaking ill of others, Pope Francis said.

People who receive and give the sign of peace “should
be men and women of peace” and not ruin “the peace made by the Holy Spirit with your
tongue,” the pope said June 6 during his weekly general audience.

“Gossip is not a work of the Holy Spirit, it is not a
work of the unity of the church. Gossip destroys the work of God. Please stop
gossiping,” the pope said.

Continuing his series of audience talks on confirmation,
Pope Francis spoke
about the gift of the Holy Spirit that Christians receive in the sacrament.

When a person is anointed with oil, that gift “enters us
and bears fruit so that we can then give it to others,” the pope explained. The gift is
not meant to be tucked away and stored “as if the soul was a

While it usually
is the bishop, who is a successor of the apostles and guarantor of the unity of
the church, that confers the sacrament of confirmation upon person, his role does not exclude the
bishop from the Christian duty of charity and love.  

“Some may think that in the church there are masters —
the pope, the bishops, the priests — and then the workers who are something
else,” he said. “No, the church is everyone. And we all have the
responsibility of sanctifying one another, of caring for others. The church is
‘us.’ Everyone has
their job in the church, but we are all the church.”

During the sacrament of confirmation, he continued, the
bishop tells the candidate, “Peace be with you,” which is “a
gesture that expresses the ecclesial communion with the bishop and with all the

However, that gift can be lost if Christians start saying mean things about
each other once they leave Mass.

“Gossip is war,” the pope said. “Poor Holy
Spirit! (Imagine) the work he has with us with our habit of gossiping!”

Pope Francis urged the faithful to preach the Gospel with
deeds and words “that edify and not with words of gossip that destroy.”

Like the parable of the talents, he added, the Holy Spirit’s
gift is a seed that bears fruit when it is shared with others and not
“when it is buried because of selfish fears.”

“When we have the seed in hand, it isn’t meant to be
stored in a closet, it is meant to be sown. All life must be sown so that it
bears fruit and multiply. We must give the gift of the Spirit back to the community,” the pope

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Follow Arocho on Twitter: @arochoju

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