Celebrating the Entrance of Our Lord into Jerusalem, Palm Sunday has become very festive at St. Gregory. Parts of the Divine Liturgy were sang by our Chant Group and Youth Chorus. At the conclusion of the Divine Liturgy, the faithful received blessed palm and willow branches.
We continued with our celebration in our Church hall where all was ready for this year’s Pysanky-Easter Egg Workshop All our children had the opportunity to decorate Easter eggs, create Easter baskets, and enjoy other Easter crafts. Parishioners also had the opportunity to learn the ancient art of egg decorating using a stylus called kistka to write with wax on the egg shell.
We are also grateful to the members of our St. Gregory’s Bethany Ministry for preparing the Easter gift bags for our home-bound parishioners. During Holy Week, our Bethany Ministry members will visit our homebound parishioners
to deliver these gifts to them.