Catholic News Service wins 32 awards at Catholic Media Conference

WASHINGTON (CNS) — Catholic News Service won 32 awards from the Catholic Media Association, which were announced June 10, the last day of the 2021 Catholic Media Conference.

There were eight first-place finishes for CNS:

Chaz Muth won first place for “Best Video — Social Justice Issues” for “Catholic Church leaders address racism.”

Muth, Carol Zimmermann and Bob Roller won first place for “Best Multimedia Package — Social Justice Issues” for “2020 in Review: In year of racial reckoning, Catholics joined protests, prayers.”

Muth and Zimmermann took a first place for “Best Multimedia Package — Hot Topic — The COVID-19 Pandemic” for “D.C. Catholic food pantry: Months of long lines with no end in sight.”

Shannen Dee Williams won first place for “Best Regular Column — Racial Inequities” for “The Griot’s Cross,” for the following three segments: “Black history is Catholic history”; “Racism has always been a pro-life issue”: and “Why the nation’s first Black cardinal matters.”

David Agren and Manuel Rueda took first place for “Best Coverage — Immigration” for “Immigration south of the U.S. border” ;;

David Agren, Barbara Fraser and Rueda won first place for Best Coverage — Pandemic for “Pandemic in Latin America.”

Paul Haring won first place for “Best Photograph — National/International Event” for “Masked at papal audience in early days of COVID-19.”

Roller took first place for “Best Photograph — Color” for “Memorial and Rosary.”

There were seven second-place awards:

Muth won second place for “Best Video — Explainer” for “‘Spiritual Communion’ without the host.”

Robert Duncan took second place for Best Video — Pro-Life Activities for “Pope: Peace in the human family.”

Muth won second place for “Best Video — Depiction of Religious Life” for “A backlog of altar bread.”

Muth also won a second place for “Best Multimedia Package — Depiction of Religious Life” for “Face masks deemed expression of faith that deepens safety precaution.”

Another second place for Muth came in the category “Best Multimedia Package — Violence in Our Communities” for “Rising gun violence amid pandemic points up bishops’ call for commonsense gun laws.”

Cindy Wooden and Carol Glatz took second place for “Best News Writing Series– International” for the “McCarrick Report.” ; ;

Muth won second place for “Best Photograph — Sacramental” for “The Real Presence of Christ.”

There were eight third-place finishes:

Muth, Zimmermann and Tyler Orsburn took third place for “Best Multimedia Package — Pro-Life Activities” for “Crowd at Supreme Court before march shows abortion debate in miniature.”

Muth, Dave Hernandez and Zoey Maraist won third place for “Best Multimedia Package — Depiction of Religious Life” for “Religious find inventive techniques of caring for community in isolation.”

Duncan, Glatz and Haring won third place for “Best Multimedia Package — Season Issue” for “Frankincense’s future: Ancient gift endangered, risks depletion.”

Muth and Ian Alvano won third place for Best Multimedia Package — Hot Topic — The COVID-19 Pandemic for “Makers of sacramental wine, altar bread suffer economic hit due to pandemic.”

Duncan, Wooden, Glatz, Junno Arocho Esteves and Haring won third place for “Best Multimedia Package Series” for “U.S. bishops’ ad limina visits.” Part 1: Part 2: Part 3: Part 4:

Effie Caldarola took third place for “Best Regular Column — Spiritual Life” for “For the Journey,” for the following three segments: “Choose what matters,” “Overcoming hate with mercy and love,” and “Advent tears and laughter in a year of difficulty.”

Doreen Abi Raad won third place for “Best Coverage — Disaster or Crisis” for “Beirut After the Blast.” ; ;

Orsburn took third place for “Best Photograph — National/International Event” for “March for Life 2020.”

There were nine honorable mentions:

Muth won an honorable mention for “Best Video — The Clergy” for “Religious conviction in mask wearing.”

Muth won an honorable mention for “Best Video — Hot Topic” — The COVID-19 Pandemic for “Drive-in Mass.”

Duncan and Wooden won an honorable mention for “Best Multimedia Package — Feature” for “Pope-less economy: Castel Gandolfo forced to change course.”

Muth, Duncan, Wooden, Zimmermann and Hernandez won an honorable mention for “Best Multimedia Package Series” for “A religious approach to the COVID-19 pandemic.” Part 1: ; Part 2: ; Part 3: ; Part 4: ; Part 5:

Dennis Sadowski won an honorable mention for “Best In-Depth News/Special Reporting” forClergy abuse survivors face a lifetime of recurrence of PTSD.”

Wooden won an honorable mention for “Best Reporting on Social Justice Issues — Solidarity” for “Like a good neighbor: Post-pandemic solidarity means buying local.”

Muth won an honorable mention for “Best Photograph — Portrait” for “The Cleric’s Mask.”

Roller won an honorable mention for “Best Photograph — Scenic, Still-Life or Weather Photo” for “Rolling Heavenly Storm.”

Muth won an honorable mention for “Best Photograph — Color” for “Bethlehem’s Holy Ghost.”

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