Christ is Born! Glorify Him!

Dear People,

We are called to celebrate the Birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ during
2020, the year of the worldwide pandemic of the Covid 19 virus. God has given us his Child born in the manger as the greatest gift of all time. It is through the gift of his son that we are given strength and hope to survive the losses and overcome all evil and darkness of the past year.

During the past year, we have become painfully aware of the most important parts of life that we often take for granted. The 1946 “It’s a Wonderful Life” Christmas classic movie with Jimmy Stewart captures the way he was made aware of the importance of his life, something he took for granted. It was filmed when Jimmy Stewart and the world were returning to normal after the dark time of the Second World War. Besides being on television, it is showing in theaters again.
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Each wedding is a revelation

Glory to Jesus Christ!

Welcome to the 2020 Virtual Archeparchy of Pittsburgh Wedding Celebration! It was historic because it was the first and hopefully the only time the celebration and prayers were offered online. Continue reading


”In those days a decree went out from Caesar Augustus that the whole world should be enrolled. This was the first enrollment, when Quirinius was governor of Syria. So all went to be enrolled, each to his own town. And Joseph too went up from Galilee from the town of Nazareth to Judea, to the city of David that is called Bethlehem, because he was of the house and family of David, to be enrolled with Mary, his betrothed, who was with child. While they were there, the time came for her to have her child, and she gave birth to her firstborn son.

She wrapped him in swaddling clothes and laid him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn. Now there were shepherds in that region living in the fields and keeping the night watch over their flock. The angel of the Lord appeared to them and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were struck with great fear. The angel said to them, “Do not be afraid; for behold, I proclaim to you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. For today in the city of David a savior has been born for you who is Messiah and Lord.” Gospel of Saint Luke 2:1-11

Christ is Born!
Glorify Him! Continue reading

Pascha 2019

As we celebrate Easter Sunday, we deepen our belief and understanding of its meaning on our lives. The events of Jesus’s death and resurrection show our path through this life leading to eternal life in heaven. Our perspective changes and deepens with each celebration during our lifetime.

Jesus explained to the Apostles many times everything that was going to happen. They were going to Jerusalem where He would be arrested, suffer, and be crucified. After three days, He would rise from death to new life. The resurrection of Jesus Christ would make it possible to follow him to the heaven.

However, even though the Apostles were told the plan of salvation, when the arrest, trial, and death of Jesus happened, most of the Apostles were afraid and scattered. Judas gave up his faith and turned against Jesus. And only the Apostle John remained with Jesus to the end.

Just like the Apostles, we know the story of the death and resurrection of Jesus. However, even though we know the story in our lives and the life of the Church, our faith is challenged. Scandals in the Church or problems in our personal lives or families hurt us and can cause us to question our faith. Continue reading

Pascha 2018

Christos Voskrese! Voistinnu Voskrese!

As we celebrate the Easter Season, we bring Easter lilies and other flowers and plants into our churches. The pussy willows and palms from Palm Sunday are joined with explosions of colors and scents of flowers and Easter baskets which announce that the Lenten fast has come to a close and the celebration honoring our Risen Lord is upon us!

Our Easter traditions are supported by the natural cycle of the transition from the cold and darkness of winter to the warmth and new growth of springtime. Despite the severity of this winter and flu season, the return of spring gives the hope of summer and the return of blossoms and flowers which we bring into our churches.

Today, we take plants and the food they provide for granted. Unlike the past when our grandparents and almost everyone grew their own food, we can go to the supermarket and purchase fresh fruits, vegetables, spices and flowers any time or season of the year. Our grandchildren may wonder how people could exist without online delivery of prepared dinners.

To understand Jesus’ words, we must return to a time when people were closer to nature. Jesus often used stories and parables about the growing of food from seeds, the harvesting of crops, and the preparation of food to explain His Resurrection and the kingdom of heaven. Continue reading


Heaven and Earth rejoice as we celebrate the birth of Our Lord and God and Savior Jesus Christ!

Each year we decorate, send Christmas greetings, gather our families, and come to our Churches to relive the story of the birth of a little child outside the city of Bethlehem. Our memories are filled with the images of icons of the birth, Christmas trees decorated, and beautiful Christmas lights which light up the inside and outside of our homes during the longest nights of the year. We include those with whom we celebrated in the past and who are present with us in spirit when we sing our songs of Christmas.

It is also a time we remember those who are in need this Christmas season. Like Mary and Joseph, who were without a home on the first Christmas, many families struggle to survive.

During the fall hurricane season, many families lost everything. We are thankful for those who helped them through donations and collections to enable them to start over. Even though our parishes are small and often in need, the people of the Archeparchy of Pittsburgh generously gave to help them rebuild their lives so that they could celebrate this Christmas season with hope. Continue reading

Welcome, Bishop Lach

Archbishop William C. Skurla provides words of welcome to his successor as apostolic
administrator of the Eparchy of Parma, Bishop Milan Lach:

Dear Bishop Lach,
Welcome to your new position as apostolic administrator of the Byzantine Eparchy of Parma!

We look forward to your arrival and Divine Liturgy of Welcome on July 21. Preparations for
your arrival have begun.

We thank you for accepting the position from our Holy Father Francis, Pope of Rome.

You have done exceptional work within your home Archeparchy of Presov as an auxiliary bishop.

We hope that you will continue your fine work as a pastor and spiritual leader of the people of
Parma during your time as apostolic administrator.

The clergy, religious and people of the Eparchy of Parma await the announcement of the next
bishop of the Eparchy of Parma, when they will rejoice and celebrate again.

We wish you success in your new assignmment as the apostolic administrator. And, we wish you
many happy and blessed years! Continue reading

Greeting from your Summertime Vacation Church

In June, for most school is out and for many the time for vacations begins.
When we travel, the search for a Divine Liturgy should be included in our travel
plans. I rarely get the chance just to appear at a church without people knowing
who I am. But once in a while there is a weekend when I have to look up the
closest Catholic Church and attend there.

I have experienced a range of receptions. There is a moment of suspense when
you walk into a church where no one knows your name or who you are. Some
churches’ greeting is that you do not belong here. Other churches do not even
realize that you are a stranger and pay no attention to you. And others have
greeters who invite you into the celebration and to the refreshments after the
Divine Liturgy.

How do you greet strangers when they pop up in your church? Do you or someone else wait
and watch for new visitors as the father waited for the return Continue reading