Byzantine Spirituality Conference 2015
“Who Do You Say I Am?”
(Matthew 16:15)
Saturday, November 7, 2015
St. John the Baptist Cathedral
Munhall, PA
Sponsored by the Byzantine Catholic Archeparchy of Pittsburgh
Office of Religious Education
“In the New Testament Jesus asked 183 questions, gave 3 answers and answered 307 questions with a question in return like a good rabbi. The point of this approach is to allow the natural curiosity of the human person to draw him or her to an encounter with the person of Jesus.” (Forming Intentional Disciples)
The 2015 Spirituality Conference will give seekers an opportunity to move from just “knowing about Jesus” to the possibility of a real relationship with a personal God who loves us.
8:30 AM Registration/Coffee
9:30 AM Opening Prayer / Welcome
10:00 AM Ages and Stages of Knowing Jesus
– Fr. Jason Charron
10:50 AM Break
11:10 AM Conversion Comes Through Knowing Jesus
– Fr. Michael Lee
12:00 PM Lunch / Vendors
1:00 PM Discipleship Happens by Knowing Jesus
– Fr. Donald Bolls
1:50 PM Participants’ Responses
2:30 PM Moleben for Jesus, the Lover of Mankind
Father Jason Charron was ordained in 2008 and served parishes in North Carolina and rural Ontario. He was also Chaplain at Sacred Heart High School in Walkerton, ON. He is married to Halyna and they have six young daughters. Fr. Jason received his master’s degree in theology in Ottawa, Canada. He is actively involved in the Acolyte and Youth Convention sponsored by the Eparchy of St. Josaphat, Parma, Ohio and presently is pastor of Holy Trinity Ukrainian Catholic Church in Carnegie, Pa.
Father Michael Lee is a priest of the Eparchy of Parma and a feature writer for the Eparchy’s newspaper, Horizons. He received master’s and licentiate degrees in theology from the International Theological Institute. He has conducted Bible studies, retreats and days of reflection for the Eparchy of Parma. He and his wife Deborah have five children and reside in Euclid, Ohio where Father Lee serves as pastor at St. Stephen Church.
Father Don Bolls was ordained to the Presbyterate on May 10, 2015 for the Archeparchy of Pittsburgh. Formerly a minister in the Presbyterian Church, he comes from a ministerial family. He has a doctorate in Ministry and a master’s in Eastern Studies through the Antiochian House of Studies in Ligonier, Pa. Father Don is the Academic Advisor and teaches Homiletics at SS. Cyril & Methodius Seminary. He and his wife Barbara reside in Harmar Township. He serves as pastor of the Church of the Resurrection in Monroeville, Pa. and Administrator of Holy Trinity Church, Wall, Pa.
2015 Spirituality Conference Brochure and Registration Form
Byzantine Spirituality Conference 2014
The 2014 Spirituality Conference was hailed as most enlightening.
READ the follow-up story which appeared in the November 9, 2014 Byzantine Catholic World Newspaper.
The 2014 event was held Saturday October 4, 9:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Cathedral of St. John the Baptist, Munhall PA
“St. John Chrysostom: Golden Mouthed”
First Presentation:
The Person: Bishop, Teacher, Ascetic
by Fr. Elias Rafaj
• St. John Chrysostom, a rare man of the highest caliber
Fr. Elias will explore the remarkable life of St. John Chrysostom which was marked by docile obedience to God’s will and a faithful following of the Gospel in the 4th Century.
Second Presentation:
The Man of Prayer
by Fr. Robert Pipta
• A reflection on one of the prayers written by St. John Chrysostom
Prayer was central to the spirituality of St. John Chrysostom. Through his devout practice of prayer, he aimed at living in constant intimacy with Jesus. Father Robert will guide us in a reflection on one of the prayers written by St. John Chrysostom.
Third Presentation:
The Prolific Writer
by Fr. Valerian Michlik
• Insights on contemporary issues looking through the lens of St. John Chrysostom’s writings
Copious discourses, writings and activities were central to the life of St. John Chrysostom. He knew how to courageously recognize the signs of the times. Fr. Valerian will offer insights on contemporary issues looking through the lens of St. John Chrysostom.
2014 Spirituality Conference FLYER