Through the Doors of Mercy

Glory to Jesus Christ!


Dear Clergy, Religious, and Faithful of the Archeparchy,

A group representing the Byzantine Catholic Metropolitan Church is going to visit our Holy Father Francis on October 26, 2016. The Metropolitan and Bishops get a chance to meet with Pope Francis and on the following day to visit the Congregation for the Eastern Churches.

Both the Holy Father and those at the Congregation are always willing to listen to the needs
and requests of our Church. And yes, we will remind them of the need for a new Bishop for Parma.

Our tour will visit the cities which are significant to Byzantine history and spirituality along the east coast of Italy. We will send you updates from Italy as we visit the holy sites in October. One of the highlights will be the visit to the city of Bari where the relics of Saint Nicholas are located in a tomb in the crypt of the Basilica of San Nicola. They have rested there since 1087. Saint Nicholas is the patron saint of the Byzantine Catholic Church in the United States.

It is a special blessing during the Year of Mercy to pass through Jubilee Doors of Mercy at Saint Peter’s Basilica. Over 14 million have passed through this Door at Saint Peter’s. Many of us have passed through the Doors of Mercy in the Archeparchy. Hundreds of millions of faithful have received blessings this year. 

If you or those in your parish have not passed through the Doors, plan a trip to complete your entrance and prayers to receive the special blessing before the end of the Year of Mercy The Year of Mercy ends
with closing of Doors on Sunday November 20, 2016.

A prime opportunity to both pass through the Doors of Mercy and to pray for the canonization and beatification of our four martyred Ruthenian hierarchs is available to the faithful at 3 p.m. Sunday, October 30 at the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist in Munhall. I encourage all to participate this prayerful event in the life of our Church, if not able in person, then in spirit via the Internet on the Cathedral’s web site.

Sincerely yours in Christ,




Most Reverend William C. Skurla, D.D.
Metropolitan Archbishop of Pittsburgh