Nativity of the Mother of God Byzantine Catholic Church DuBois, PA

Contact Details

  • Church: (814) 371-4911
  • Rectory:

    (814) 371-4911
    Administrator: Father Nathaniel Tapsak
    Deacons: Deacon George Fatula; Deacon Paul M. Boboige


Nativity of the Mother of God Byzantine Catholic Church

200 McCullough Street

DuBois, PA. 15801 Get Directions

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Nativity of the Mother of God Church was organized in 1910 by a group of Byzantine Catholic faithful. For the first sixty years of its existence, the spiritual needs of the people were attended to by the pastors of Holy Trinity Church in Sykesville. However, even without a resident pastor, the faithful maintained a spirit of fidelity and cooperation toward their church that continues to this day. In the spring of 1970, the congregation joyfully welcomed their first resident pastor, Father John Kovach. His arrival was the answer to many prayers and inaugurated the dream of a new church building. United with their pastor, the various organizations within the parish began taking the necessary steps to fulfill their dream of a new church complex. Major fund raising activities were begun — bingo, bazaars, picnics, etc. The hard work and determination of the parish began to bear fruit. With the money raised, a new social hall was erected, followed by its blessing and dedication on September 7, 1975. With the new hall, bingo fundraisers flourished and a fully furnished facility was available for the social needs of the community. The success of the social hall stirred the parish to continue to move forward. On October 16, 1983, a contract was signed with an architect to build a new church. The dream was realized when the new church was opened for worship on June 23, 1985. On their patronal feast day, September 8, 1985, in the presence of a grateful and joyous congregation, Nativity of the Mother of God Byzantine Catholic Church was solemnly blessed and dedicated by Archbishop Stephen J. Kocisko along with Father Myron Kochaba. Since 1993, due to the shortage of clergy, the congregation has shared the services of the pastor of Holy Trinity Church in Sykesville and of SS. Peter & Paul Church in Punxsutawney for their spiritual needs. However, the same spirit of fidelity and cooperation that began in 1910 continues to prevail among the parishioners. This spirit is especially evident in the generosity of the parishioners and the many activities of the parish organizations.