St. Simeon the New Theologian states, “We who have been divinized by grace and by adoption in baptism, are also to be divinized in awareness and knowledge.” The realization of the magnitude of our calling to divinization may be brought … Continue reading
Religious Education
Catechist Day of Prayer 2015
Theme: “SEVEN TIMES A DAY I PRAISE YOU” Sponsored by the Office of Religious Education, event date is Saturday, March 14 at the Byzantine Catholic Seminary – 3605 Perrysville Ave.Pittsburgh, PA 15214 Presenter is Father Christiaan Kappes, professor of Patristics … Continue reading
ORE Training for Deacons and Facilitators Adult Faith Formation
Saturday, Jan. 17 – 10:00 am to 1:00 pm
“Welcome to the Feast: The Story of the Eucharist in Scripture”
In preparation for the 2015 Great Fast, which begins Feb. 16, the Office of Religious Education (ORE) is offering a training session for Deacons and Facilitators of Adult Faith Formation on Saturday January 17, from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm at SS. Cyril & Methodius Seminary, 3605 Perrysville Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15214. Those who previously have taught Adult Faith Formation in parishes as well as anyone invited by their pastors are welcome to attend.
ECF Program Listing
Find an ECF Program for Your Child Ohio Pennsylvania Texas West Virginia Does your parish have an ECF program not listed here? Let us know! Ohio Warren SS. Peter & Paul Byzantine Catholic Church ECF Coordinator: … Continue reading
Save the Date Encounter 2014: January 30th through February 2nd Location: Renaissance Airport Hotel in Orlando, Florida 2012 Encounter of Eastern Catholic Churches: “Together in Christ” Encounter 2012 for the Eastern Catholic Churches was a great success. The Encounter … Continue reading
Men’s Day
Publications / Resources
Text here.
Women’s Day of Reflection
The next Women’s Day of Reflection is Saturday April 11.
Spirituality Conference
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text el_id=”img” el_class=”img”] Initially, the Spirituality Conference was designed for coordinators and catechists who minister in ECF (Eastern Christian Formation) programs in parishes of the Archeparchy of Pittsburgh. Over the years, this event has been open to any interested adults who … Continue reading
The responsibility for marriage preparation takes place at the parish level. Pastors take this responsibility seriously and the Office of Religious Education (ORE) for the Byzantine Catholic Archeparchy of Pittsburgh has been privileged to contribute to that preparation. The ORE … Continue reading